250+ CakePHP MCQ With Online Practice Test

CakePHP is a popular PHP web application framework renowned for its efficiency and simplicity in web development. Introduced in 2005, it has evolved into a mature and versatile tool for building robust, feature-rich web applications. CakePHP follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern, offering developers a structured and organized approach to coding. With features like built-in security, database integration, and a flexible templating system, CakePHP accelerates development while maintaining code integrity. It's an excellent choice for developers seeking rapid, scalable, and maintainable web development solutions.

Practice Test

1. What is CakePHP?

Answer: A PHP web framework

2. Which programming language is primarily used in CakePHP development?

Answer: PHP

3. CakePHP follows the ___________ pattern for organizing code and data.

Answer: MVC (Model-View-Controller)

4. What does the "M" represent in the MVC pattern used by CakePHP?

Answer: Model

5. Which of the following is a benefit of using CakePHP for web development?

Answer: Faster development

6. CakePHP provides built-in features for handling tasks like form validation, authentication, and security. (True/False)

Answer: 1

7. In CakePHP, what is a "Shell" and how is it used?

Answer: A command-line tool for running scripts

8. What is the purpose of the "bin/cake" console script in CakePHP?

Answer: To run CakePHP applications from the command line

9. CakePHP uses conventions to reduce configuration. What does this mean?

Answer: It follows common naming and structural rules

10. Which major version of PHP is recommended for use with CakePHP 4.x?

Answer: PHP 7
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cakephp interview question with answers cakephp multiple choice questions cakephp mcq cakephp questions and answers