140+ NoSQL MCQ With Online Practice Test

NoSQL, short for "Not Only SQL," represents a family of database management systems designed for flexible and scalable data storage. Unlike traditional relational databases, NoSQL databases employ various data models like document, key-value, graph, and column-family, enabling them to handle diverse data types and structures. NoSQL databases are well-suited for applications requiring high data velocity and volume, such as web and mobile apps, IoT devices, and big data analytics. They offer horizontal scalability, strong performance, and support for distributed, non-tabular data storage, making them a valuable choice for modern, dynamic data management needs.
Practice Test

1. Which NoSQL database type stores data in semi-structured documents?

Answer: Document Stores

2. In which type of NoSQL database is data organized into column families?

Answer: Column-Family Stores

3. Which NoSQL database uses keys to map to values for data storage?

Answer: Key-Value Stores

4. What type of NoSQL database is suitable for highly connected data?

Answer: Graph Databases

5. Which database follows the principles of the CAP theorem strictly?

Answer: Key-Value Stores

6. What does the BASE acronym stand for in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Basically Available, Soft state, Eventually consistent

7. Which type of NoSQL database is best suited for applications requiring a flexible schema?

Answer: Document Stores

8. What is the primary advantage of NoSQL databases regarding scalability?

Answer: Horizontal Scalability

9. Which NoSQL database type is often used for real-time analytics and caching?

Answer: Key-Value Stores

10. Which NoSQL database type is known for handling large amounts of data across multiple data centers?

Answer: Column-Family Stores
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