CakePHP Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. Which CakePHP shell command can be used to test the database connection and display available tables?

2. How can you create custom middleware in CakePHP?

3. In CakePHP, how can you override a behavior's default settings for a specific model instance?

4. What does "escaping" mean in the context of a CakePHP View?

5. In CakePHP, where are Model files typically located within the project directory structure?

6. Which CakePHP Helper is used to work with form elements and create forms?

7. How can you pass data from a Controller to a View in CakePHP?

8. What is the role of the Containable behavior in CakePHP?

9. In CakePHP, where can middleware be applied?

10. Which CakePHP Helper is used to create pagination controls for lists of data?

11. What is the primary goal of Internationalization (i18n) in CakePHP?

12. Which of the following is a benefit of using CakePHP for web development?

13. What is the common format for data exchange in CakePHP RESTful APIs?

14. What are CakePHP behaviors primarily used for in models?

15. In CakePHP, what is the recommended way to handle exceptions and errors within Controller actions?

16. How can you protect against XSS attacks in CakePHP views?

17. What is a RESTful API in CakePHP?

18. Which method is commonly used in CakePHP Models to define validation rules for fields?

19. Which of the following is NOT a common use case for routing in CakePHP?

20. What is the purpose of a project status report in CakePHP project management?