CakePHP Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What does "escaping" mean in the context of a CakePHP View?

2. What is the advantage of using Scaffolding in CakePHP?

3. What is the minimum PHP version required for CakePHP 4.x?

4. Which method is commonly used in CakePHP Models to define validation rules for fields?

5. What is the role of the AuthComponent in CakePHP authentication?

6. What is the role of the Containable behavior in CakePHP?

7. In CakePHP routing, what is a "route element"?

8. Which CakePHP component is used for handling and processing form data?

9. Which command is used to create a new CakePHP shell?

10. Which assertion method is commonly used in CakePHP unit tests to verify expected outcomes?

11. Which of the following is a benefit of using CakePHP for web development?

12. Which programming language is primarily used in CakePHP development?

13. What HTTP status code indicates a successful response in a CakePHP RESTful API?

14. How can you use a behavior to validate data in a CakePHP model?

15. In CakePHP, what is the purpose of the $this->request object in a Controller?

16. What is the primary responsibility of the "View" in MVC?

17. What is the recommended folder structure for storing view templates in a CakePHP project?

18. How can you enable Scaffolding for a specific Model in CakePHP?

19. Which CakePHP Helper is used to create pagination controls for lists of data?

20. Why is input validation important in CakePHP applications?