1. Which of the following is NOT a common responsibility of a CakePHP Model?
2. How can you customize the behavior and appearance of CakePHP Scaffolding?
3. In CakePHP, what is the role of the RequestHandlerComponent?
4. What is the purpose of auto-scaling in CakePHP applications?
5. How do you define a named route in CakePHP routing?
6. What is the purpose of language placeholders in CakePHP translations (e.g., __x('Hello, {0}', 'greeting', [$name]))?
7. What is the primary purpose of project management in a CakePHP application development process?
8. Which CakePHP Helper is used to create pagination controls for lists of data?
9. Which component of MVC is responsible for handling user input and requests?
10. Which CakePHP helper is commonly used to create form elements in View templates?
11. How can you create a route that matches any URL and sends it to a specific controller action in CakePHP?
12. How can you load a Helper in a CakePHP Controller or View?
13. In the context of CakePHP project management, what does ROI stand for?
14. Which directory should you place a CakePHP plugin in within your project's directory structure?
15. How can you load a CakePHP component in a Controller or a Controller's action?
16. What are CakePHP components primarily used for?
17. What is the naming convention for the Controller class generated by CakePHP Scaffolding?
18. What is the primary goal of unit testing in CakePHP applications?
19. What is SQL Injection and why is it a security concern?
20. What does MVC stand for in web development?