250+ Node Js MCQ With Online Practice Test

Node.js, often referred to as simply "Node," is a powerful open-source runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of web browsers. It is designed for building scalable and efficient network applications, particularly on the server side. Node.js leverages a non-blocking, event-driven architecture, making it ideal for handling asynchronous operations and real-time applications. With its vast ecosystem of packages and modules available through npm (Node Package Manager), Node.js has become a popular choice for web development, microservices, APIs, and more, enabling developers to create high-performance applications with ease.

Practice Test

131. What is a WebSocket in the context of Node.js and web applications?

Answer: A communication protocol that provides full-duplex, bidirectional communication channels over a single TCP connection

132. How is a WebSocket different from a traditional HTTP request in Node.js?

Answer: WebSockets provide full-duplex communication, allowing both the client and server to send data at any time.

133. Which Node.js module is commonly used for implementing WebSocket functionality in web applications?

Answer: ws

134. What is the purpose of the ws module in Node.js?

Answer: To provide a WebSocket server and client implementation

135. What is a WebSocket handshake in Node.js?

Answer: An initial HTTP request-response exchange to negotiate and establish a WebSocket connection

136. What is the WebSocket protocol identifier in a URL, often used for WebSocket connections in Node.js?

Answer: ws://

137. In Node.js Websockets, what is the purpose of the WebSocket object on the client-side?

Answer: To communicate with the WebSocket server

138. In Node.js WebSocket communication, how does the server send messages to connected clients?

Answer: By calling the WebSocket.send() method on the client's WebSocket object

139. What is the purpose of the WebSocket.on('message') event in Node.js WebSocket communication?

Answer: To handle incoming messages from the WebSocket clients

140. In Node.js, what is the typical way to broadcast a message to all connected WebSocket clients?

Answer: By looping through all connected clients and sending the message to each one
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Node Js Interview Questions With Answers Node Js MCQ Node Js Multiple Choice Questions Node Js MCQ Questions And Answers