250+ Node Js MCQ With Online Practice Test

Node.js, often referred to as simply "Node," is a powerful open-source runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of web browsers. It is designed for building scalable and efficient network applications, particularly on the server side. Node.js leverages a non-blocking, event-driven architecture, making it ideal for handling asynchronous operations and real-time applications. With its vast ecosystem of packages and modules available through npm (Node Package Manager), Node.js has become a popular choice for web development, microservices, APIs, and more, enabling developers to create high-performance applications with ease.

Practice Test

121. What is authentication in the context of Node.js web applications?

Answer: The process of verifying the identity of a user or client

122. What is authorization in Node.js?

Answer: The process of granting or denying access to specific resources or actions based on the authenticated user's permissions

123. Which Node.js middleware is commonly used for implementing authentication and user sessions?

Answer: passport

124. What is the primary role of the passport module in Node.js authentication?

Answer: To provide a middleware-based authentication framework for various strategies (e.g., local, OAuth)

125. What is a common strategy used for user authentication with the passport module in Node.js?

Answer: All of the above

126. What is a JSON Web Token (JWT) in the context of authentication in Node.js?

Answer: A compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties

127. What is the primary benefit of using JWT for authentication in Node.js?

Answer: It allows stateless authentication, where user information is encoded in the token itself.

128. What is a role-based access control (RBAsystem in the context of authorization in Node.js?

Answer: A system that assigns specific roles to users and grants permissions based on those roles

129. In Node.js authorization, what is the purpose of defining access control rules or policies?

Answer: To specify which users or roles can perform specific actions or access certain resources

130. What HTTP status code is typically returned when a user tries to access a resource for which they are not authorized in Node.js?

Answer: 403 (Forbidden)
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Node Js Interview Questions With Answers Node Js MCQ Node Js Multiple Choice Questions Node Js MCQ Questions And Answers