Node Js Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. Which callback function is commonly used with the fs.readFile method to handle errors during file reading in Node.js?

2. In Node.js, which core module is commonly used for file I/O operations?

3. What is the purpose of profiling in Node.js debugging tools?

4. In Yarn, what is the purpose of the "yarn.lock" file?

5. What is the primary benefit of using route parameters in Express.js routing?

6. Which Node.js module is commonly used for input validation and sanitization to prevent attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS)?

7. In the context of production deployment, what does the term "load balancing" refer to?

8. What does "npm" stand for in the context of Node.js development?

9. In Node.js, what is the purpose of using a secure connection (HTTPS) over HTTP for web communication?

10. What is the term for an external module in Node.js that can be used to cluster multiple Node.js processes for better performance and concurrency?

11. What is a common use case for npm scripts in a Node.js project?

12. In Node.js, what is the term for distributing incoming requests evenly among multiple server instances to optimize performance and resource utilization?

13. Which Node.js module is commonly used for handling command-line arguments and options in CLI applications?

14. What is a Node.js module?

15. In Node.js RESTful APIs, what is the purpose of the HTTP PUT method?

16. In Node.js WebSocket communication, how does the server send messages to connected clients?

17. What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the context of web security, and how can it be mitigated in Node.js applications?

18. What is a common use case for asynchronous programming in Node.js?

19. In Node.js authorization, what is the purpose of defining access control rules or policies?

20. Which JavaScript feature introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) is commonly used for handling asynchronous code in a more readable and maintainable way in Node.js?