1. In Express.js, how is error-handling middleware different from regular middleware?
2. What is a writable stream in Node.js?
3. What type of applications are well-suited for Node.js development?
4. What is "callback hell" in the context of Node.js development, and how can it be mitigated?
5. Which Yarn command is used to install project dependencies based on the information in the "yarn.lock" file?
6. What is a JSON Web Token (JWT) in the context of authentication in Node.js?
7. Who is the original author of Node.js?
8. What is the role of a "Docker container" in the context of Node.js application deployment?
9. What is the purpose of the WebSocket.on('message') event in Node.js WebSocket communication?
10. What is the primary trigger for AWS Lambda functions in serverless applications?
11. What is "watch mode" in debugging tools like nodemon or ts-node-dev for Node.js?
12. What is the WebSocket protocol identifier in a URL, often used for WebSocket connections in Node.js?
13. In Node.js, what is the "Poll" phase responsible for?
14. What is Node.js primarily used for?
15. Which HTTP status code should be returned when a requested resource is not found in a Node.js web application?
16. What is the purpose of the app.use() method in Express.js?
17. What is the purpose of a reverse proxy server like Nginx when deploying a Node.js application?
18. Which Node.js module is commonly used for handling command-line arguments and options in CLI applications?
19. In Node.js, what command is commonly used to launch a script in debug mode from the command line?
20. What is asynchronous programming in Node.js?