Node Js Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. In Express.js, how is middleware typically defined and used in the application pipeline?

2. What is a common use case for asynchronous programming in Node.js?

3. In AWS Lambda, how can environment variables be set for Node.js functions?

4. In Node.js, what is the purpose of the Event Loop in terms of performance optimization?

5. What type of applications are well-suited for Node.js development?

6. What is a readable stream in Node.js?

7. What is the primary benefit of using middleware in a Node.js application?

8. What is "watch mode" in debugging tools like nodemon or ts-node-dev for Node.js?

9. Which built-in Node.js module provides functions for working with file systems?

10. What is a "Docker image" in the context of containerization for Node.js applications?

11. When should error handling be implemented in Node.js code?

12. What is the primary purpose of the os core module in Node.js?

13. What is an advantage of using Yarn over npm for package management in Node.js projects?

14. How can you run a script defined in the package.json file using npm?

15. In Node.js, what is the purpose of the "try...catch" statement in error handling?

16. Which JavaScript feature introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) is commonly used for handling asynchronous code in a more readable and maintainable way in Node.js?

17. Which method is used to delete a file in Node.js?

18. In Yarn, what is the purpose of the "yarn.lock" file?

19. What is the purpose of profiling in Node.js debugging tools?

20. Which command is used to install Express.js in a Node.js project?