Node Js Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. In Node.js, which core module is commonly used to create HTTP servers?

2. What is the primary trigger for AWS Lambda functions in serverless applications?

3. What is a callback function in the context of asynchronous programming in Node.js?

4. In Node.js, what is the purpose of using a secure connection (HTTPS) over HTTP for web communication?

5. What does it mean to "scale horizontally" in the context of Node.js application scalability?

6. In the context of Node.js performance, what is "caching"?

7. What is the primary purpose of the pg module in Node.js?

8. What is a key advantage of using streams in Node.js for I/O operations?

9. Which core module allows Node.js applications to perform network operations and create network servers or clients?

10. Which Node.js testing library is commonly used for E2E testing of web applications?

11. In Node.js CLI development, what is the purpose of the process.argv property?

12. Which npm command is used to install project dependencies listed in the "package.json" file?

13. What is the purpose of the Node Package Manager (npm)?

14. Which performance optimization technique in Node.js focuses on minimizing the number of external HTTP requests by bundling assets like JavaScript and CSS?

15. Which core module is used for working with events and creating custom event emitters in Node.js?

16. Which Node.js module is commonly used for connecting to PostgreSQL databases?

17. Which core feature of Express.js simplifies the creation of web routes and handling of HTTP requests and responses?

18. What is the primary purpose of middleware in a Node.js application?

19. What is the purpose of the app.use() method in Express.js?

20. What is the primary purpose of testing in Node.js development?