230+ Codeigniter MCQ With Online Practice Test

CodeIgniter is a powerful and lightweight open-source PHP framework renowned for its simplicity and speed in web application development. With a focus on minimal configuration and a straightforward yet comprehensive toolkit, CodeIgniter empowers developers to build robust and scalable web applications efficiently. Its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture enhances code organization, making it easy to create maintainable and modular applications. CodeIgniter also offers a rich set of libraries and helpers, enabling rapid development and customization. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, CodeIgniter is an excellent choice for crafting dynamic and high-performance web solutions.

Practice Test

221. In the context of web applications, what is a hook?

Answer: A point in the code where custom code can be inserted

222. What is the primary purpose of hooks in a web framework?

Answer: To allow customization and extension of the framework

223. Where is the configuration for hooks typically defined in a web framework?

Answer: Configuration files or settings

224. What is the order of execution for hooks in most web frameworks?

Answer: Based on their defined order in the configuration

225. What does the "pre_system" hook point in a web framework typically handle?

Answer: Early application initialization

226. Which hook point is suitable for performing actions after the main controller method but before rendering views?

Answer: post-controller-constructor

227. How can you enable or disable hooks in a web framework?

Answer: By configuring a setting or file

228. What does REST stand for in the context of web services?

Answer: Representational State Transfer

229. Which HTTP method is typically used to retrieve data from a RESTful API?

Answer: GET

230. In a RESTful API, what is the primary role of a resource identifier (URI)?

Answer: It uniquely identifies a resource on the server
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codeigniter interview question and answers codeigniter multiple choice questions codeigniter mcq