250+ Node Js MCQ With Online Practice Test

Node.js, often referred to as simply "Node," is a powerful open-source runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of web browsers. It is designed for building scalable and efficient network applications, particularly on the server side. Node.js leverages a non-blocking, event-driven architecture, making it ideal for handling asynchronous operations and real-time applications. With its vast ecosystem of packages and modules available through npm (Node Package Manager), Node.js has become a popular choice for web development, microservices, APIs, and more, enabling developers to create high-performance applications with ease.

Practice Test

181. What is the primary benefit of using a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache in front of a Node.js application for performance optimization?

Answer: It can serve static files directly, reducing the load on the Node.js application.

182. What is a "memory leak" in the context of Node.js performance?

Answer: A situation where an application fails to release memory after it is no longer needed, leading to memory consumption growth

183. What is "request batching" in Node.js and how does it contribute to performance optimization?

Answer: Combining multiple HTTP requests into a single request to reduce overhead and improve efficiency

184. In Node.js, what is the primary purpose of load balancing for performance optimization?

Answer: To distribute incoming traffic across multiple server instances to improve scalability and fault tolerance

185. What is "profiling" in the context of Node.js performance optimization, and how is it used?

Answer: A technique for monitoring and analyzing the behavior and performance of a Node.js application to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement

186. What is the primary purpose of securing a Node.js application?

Answer: To protect against security threats and vulnerabilities

187. Which Node.js module is commonly used for input validation and sanitization to prevent attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS)?

Answer: express-validator

188. What is the principle of least privilege in the context of Node.js security?

Answer: Restricting user permissions to the minimum necessary for their tasks

189. Which security feature in Node.js helps mitigate against brute-force attacks by limiting the number of login attempts?

Answer: Rate limiting

190. What is the purpose of Content Security Policy (CSP) headers in a Node.js application's HTTP responses?

Answer: To specify which external sources of content are allowed to be loaded by the web page
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Node Js Interview Questions With Answers Node Js MCQ Node Js Multiple Choice Questions Node Js MCQ Questions And Answers