230+ Codeigniter MCQ With Online Practice Test

CodeIgniter is a powerful and lightweight open-source PHP framework renowned for its simplicity and speed in web application development. With a focus on minimal configuration and a straightforward yet comprehensive toolkit, CodeIgniter empowers developers to build robust and scalable web applications efficiently. Its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture enhances code organization, making it easy to create maintainable and modular applications. CodeIgniter also offers a rich set of libraries and helpers, enabling rapid development and customization. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, CodeIgniter is an excellent choice for crafting dynamic and high-performance web solutions.

Practice Test

161. How can you load a language file in CodeIgniter for localization purposes?

Answer: $this->lang->load('filename', 'language')

162. What is the primary benefit of using language files for localization in CodeIgniter?

Answer: Easy maintenance of translated content

163. In CodeIgniter, what is "l10n" an abbreviation for?

Answer: Localized 10 Navigation

164. What is localization in web development?

Answer: Adapting content to a specific region or culture

165. How can you set the default language in CodeIgniter for an application that supports multiple languages?

Answer: Set the config['language'] in the config file

166. What function in CodeIgniter allows you to retrieve a language line (translation) in a view or controller?

Answer: lang('line_key')

167. What is the purpose of language folders in CodeIgniter's language file structure?

Answer: To organize language files by language code

168. What is the purpose of testing in CodeIgniter applications?

Answer: To verify that the code works as expected

169. Which testing framework is commonly used for unit testing in CodeIgniter applications?

Answer: PHPUnit

170. What type of testing focuses on individual units or components of the code in isolation?

Answer: Unit testing
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codeigniter interview question and answers codeigniter multiple choice questions codeigniter mcq