240+ PHP Yii Framework MCQ With Online Practice Test

Yii is a high-performance, open-source PHP framework renowned for its efficiency and versatility in web application development. Launched in 2008, Yii (pronounced "yee") has gained a strong following among developers worldwide. It boasts a robust set of features, including a powerful extension system, seamless integration of third-party libraries, and comprehensive tools for handling security and scalability. With its emphasis on clean, maintainable code and rapid development, Yii is an excellent choice for building web applications of varying complexities, from simple websites to intricate enterprise solutions.

Practice Test

41. What is the primary purpose of a view file in Yii's RESTful architecture?

Answer: To display data to the user in a specific format.

42. Which Yii component is responsible for rendering view files and displaying content to the user?

Answer: View

43. In Yii, what is a common file extension for view files that contain HTML and template code?

Answer: .php

44. How does Yii pass data from a controller to a view for rendering?

Answer: By assigning variables in the controller action.

45. What is the purpose of using layouts in Yii views?

Answer: To define the common structure of multiple views.

46. In Yii views, what is a "widget"?

Answer: A reusable UI component

47. Which Yii method allows you to render a view and pass data to it within a controller action?

Answer: render()

48. What is the purpose of Yii's "partials" in views?

Answer: To include reusable portions of a view.

49. In Yii, what does the "renderPartial" method allow you to do?

Answer: Render a view without its layout.

50. In Yii, what is the primary role of a "Model" in the MVC architecture?

Answer: Represents the application's data and business logic
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Yii Interview questions and answers Yii MCQ Yii Framework MCQ Practice Test Yii Interview questions and answers PDF