PHP Yii Framework Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. Which directory is the default location for storing assets in a Yii application?

2. Which testing level is used to evaluate the interaction between different parts of an application?

3. In Yii's RESTful form handling, which HTTP verb is commonly used to display a form for creating a new resource?

4. What is the primary configuration file in Yii for specifying database connection settings?

5. What is the purpose of conducting a feasibility study in Yii project management?

6. In Yii, what is the purpose of asset bundles?

7. In Yii, what is a common file format used for storing translation messages?

8. What is database sharding in Yii, and how does it contribute to application scalability?

9. In Yii, what does the "find" method allow you to do with ActiveRecord models?

10. Which Yii component is responsible for detecting the user's preferred language and setting the application's locale accordingly?

11. Which action in a RESTful Yii controller is responsible for updating an existing resource?

12. What is the primary responsibility of the "View" component in Yii's MVC architecture?

13. Which of the following is a key feature of Yii?

14. In RESTful form handling, what is the purpose of the "CSRF token"?

15. What does the accessControl filter in Yii allow you to do?

16. Which HTTP response header is commonly used to control caching behavior in RESTful APIs?

17. In a RESTful Yii controller, what is the primary purpose of the "index" action?

18. Yii follows which design pattern for building web applications?

19. In Yii asset bundles, which method should be used to specify the dependencies of an asset bundle?

20. In the MVC pattern, which component is responsible for interacting with the database and handling data?