140+ NoSQL MCQ With Online Practice Test

NoSQL, short for "Not Only SQL," represents a family of database management systems designed for flexible and scalable data storage. Unlike traditional relational databases, NoSQL databases employ various data models like document, key-value, graph, and column-family, enabling them to handle diverse data types and structures. NoSQL databases are well-suited for applications requiring high data velocity and volume, such as web and mobile apps, IoT devices, and big data analytics. They offer horizontal scalability, strong performance, and support for distributed, non-tabular data storage, making them a valuable choice for modern, dynamic data management needs.
Practice Test

121. What is the primary purpose of caching in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Query Optimization

122. Which type of cache stores frequently accessed data from the database for quick retrieval?

Answer: Read-Through Cache

123. What is an advantage of using a Write-Behind Cache strategy in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Improved Write Performance

124. In NoSQL databases, which caching technique reduces the likelihood of cache stampede?

Answer: Cache Invalidation

125. What is a potential drawback of using caching in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Overhead

126. Which caching strategy is useful for caching query results in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Read-Through Cache

127. How does cache eviction work in NoSQL caching mechanisms?

Answer: Data Removal

128. Which cache consistency model ensures that the cache always contains the most recent data?

Answer: Strong Consistency

129. Which type of cache is typically used for improving read performance in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Read-Through Cache

130. In NoSQL caching, what does cache coherency refer to?

Answer: Data Consistency
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