140+ NoSQL MCQ With Online Practice Test

NoSQL, short for "Not Only SQL," represents a family of database management systems designed for flexible and scalable data storage. Unlike traditional relational databases, NoSQL databases employ various data models like document, key-value, graph, and column-family, enabling them to handle diverse data types and structures. NoSQL databases are well-suited for applications requiring high data velocity and volume, such as web and mobile apps, IoT devices, and big data analytics. They offer horizontal scalability, strong performance, and support for distributed, non-tabular data storage, making them a valuable choice for modern, dynamic data management needs.
Practice Test

11. What does the "C" in the CAP Theorem stand for?

Answer: Consistency

12. According to the CAP Theorem, what is "A"?

Answer: Availability

13. In the context of the CAP Theorem, what does "P" refer to?

Answer: Partition tolerance

14. Which property in the CAP Theorem states that every read receives the most recent write?

Answer: Consistency

15. In distributed systems adhering to the CAP Theorem, what might be sacrificed during network partitions?

Answer: Availability

16. Which NoSQL database category is typically associated with prioritizing Availability and Partition tolerance?

Answer: Key-Value Stores

17. When a distributed system adheres to the CAP Theorem, what is sacrificed during network partitions?

Answer: Consistency

18. Which principle of the CAP Theorem asserts that all nodes in a distributed system can read and write data?

Answer: Availability

19. What does "Partition tolerance" mean in the context of the CAP Theorem?

Answer: The ability to handle network partitions

20. Which real-world example often illustrates the trade-offs imposed by the CAP Theorem?

Answer: E-commerce checkout
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