NoSQL Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What does "ETL" stand for in the context of NoSQL data migration?

2. Which NoSQL database type stores data in semi-structured documents?

3. Which type of cache is typically used for improving read performance in NoSQL databases?

4. Which type of data migration moves data from one NoSQL database to another while preserving the data structure?

5. In which NoSQL data model is data typically stored in column families?

6. In the context of the CAP Theorem, what does "P" refer to?

7. Which NoSQL data model is ideal for use cases like social networks and recommendation engines?

8. Which data model allows dynamic and schema-less data storage?

9. Which NoSQL database is often used for caching and session management?

10. Which term describes the ability of NoSQL databases to accommodate changes in data structure?

11. Which NoSQL databases often support SSL/TLS encryption for data transmission?

12. What is a common disadvantage of NoSQL databases when it comes to data consistency?

13. Which NoSQL data model is optimized for complex relationship queries?

14. BASE is often used in NoSQL databases that prioritize which two of the following attributes?

15. What is the primary advantage of NoSQL databases regarding scalability?

16. What is the primary benefit of a specialized query language for NoSQL databases?

17. Which type of NoSQL data model is based on key-value pairs?

18. What is a potential drawback of using continuous backup in NoSQL databases?

19. In BASE, what is the meaning of "E"?

20. Which authentication method commonly secures access to NoSQL databases?