NoSQL Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. Which database property emphasizes immediate consistency in the CAP theorem, contrasting with BASE?

2. What is the main purpose of OAuth 2.0 in NoSQL database security?

3. Which NoSQL database is often used for caching and session management?

4. Which NoSQL database category is closely associated with BASE principles?

5. In the context of the CAP Theorem, what does "P" refer to?

6. In which NoSQL data model is the schema typically fixed or predefined?

7. Which term describes the ability of NoSQL databases to accommodate changes in data structure?

8. What is the primary benefit of a specialized query language for NoSQL databases?

9. Neo4j is a popular NoSQL database for which type of data?

10. What is the primary purpose of a query language in NoSQL databases?

11. What is the focus of the "S" in BASE?

12. Which of the following properties does BASE prioritize in NoSQL databases, in contrast to the ACID properties?

13. In which type of NoSQL database is data organized into column families?

14. What is a potential drawback of using caching in NoSQL databases?

15. What is the primary purpose of data archiving in NoSQL databases?

16. How does cache eviction work in NoSQL caching mechanisms?

17. What is a key disadvantage of NoSQL databases when it comes to complex queries involving multiple tables?

18. Which NoSQL database might use replication as a data migration strategy to ensure high availability and fault tolerance?

19. What is the primary benefit of using ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) in data migration?

20. BASE is often used in NoSQL databases that prioritize which two of the following attributes?