NoSQL Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What is a key characteristic of NoSQL databases with regard to schema?

2. In NoSQL caching, what does cache coherency refer to?

3. Which type of data migration typically involves copying the entire dataset to the target NoSQL database?

4. What type of NoSQL database is typically queried using the "Gremlin" query language?

5. Which NoSQL data model is optimized for complex relationship queries?

6. Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by which company?

7. What does the "I" stand for in the "BASE" consistency model?

8. Which NoSQL databases often support role-based access control (RBAC)?

9. Which caching strategy is useful for caching query results in NoSQL databases?

10. What is one of the reasons for using NoSQL-to-SQL migration in data migration projects?

11. What is the primary motivation for NoSQL database scalability?

12. In BASE, what does "A" represent?

13. What is one of the main advantages of schema-less design in NoSQL databases?

14. Which type of attack attempts to guess a user's password repeatedly?

15. What is an advantage of using a Write-Behind Cache strategy in NoSQL databases?

16. What type of data model does Apache Solr use for its search capabilities?

17. Which NoSQL database uses a document-oriented data model?

18. In distributed systems adhering to the CAP Theorem, what might be sacrificed during network partitions?

19. What is a significant advantage of NoSQL databases when it comes to handling unstructured and semi-structured data?

20. What is a common practice to encrypt data at rest in NoSQL databases?