140+ NoSQL MCQ With Online Practice Test

NoSQL, short for "Not Only SQL," represents a family of database management systems designed for flexible and scalable data storage. Unlike traditional relational databases, NoSQL databases employ various data models like document, key-value, graph, and column-family, enabling them to handle diverse data types and structures. NoSQL databases are well-suited for applications requiring high data velocity and volume, such as web and mobile apps, IoT devices, and big data analytics. They offer horizontal scalability, strong performance, and support for distributed, non-tabular data storage, making them a valuable choice for modern, dynamic data management needs.
Practice Test

111. What is the primary goal of data migration in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Data Consistency

112. Which type of data migration moves data from one NoSQL database to another while preserving the data structure?

Answer: Schema Migration

113. When might you use a vertical data migration strategy in NoSQL?

Answer: Change in Data Structure

114. Which NoSQL data migration strategy involves breaking down large data documents into smaller, more manageable pieces?

Answer: Sharding

115. What is the primary benefit of using ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) in data migration?

Answer: Data Transformation

116. What does "ETL" stand for in the context of NoSQL data migration?

Answer: Extract, Transform, Load

117. Which type of data migration typically involves copying the entire dataset to the target NoSQL database?

Answer: Total Migration

118. What is the main challenge in incremental data migration in NoSQL databases?

Answer: Data Consistency

119. Which NoSQL database might use replication as a data migration strategy to ensure high availability and fault tolerance?

Answer: MongoDB

120. What is one of the reasons for using NoSQL-to-SQL migration in data migration projects?

Answer: Schema Unification
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