250+ Node Js MCQ With Online Practice Test

Node.js, often referred to as simply "Node," is a powerful open-source runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of web browsers. It is designed for building scalable and efficient network applications, particularly on the server side. Node.js leverages a non-blocking, event-driven architecture, making it ideal for handling asynchronous operations and real-time applications. With its vast ecosystem of packages and modules available through npm (Node Package Manager), Node.js has become a popular choice for web development, microservices, APIs, and more, enabling developers to create high-performance applications with ease.

Practice Test

91. What is middleware in the context of Node.js?

Answer: A function or set of functions that can be executed during the processing of HTTP requests in a web application

92. What is the primary purpose of middleware in a Node.js application?

Answer: To process and manipulate HTTP requests and responses in a modular and organized manner

93. In Express.js, how is middleware typically defined and used in the application pipeline?

Answer: Middleware is defined and applied using the app.use method, specifying the middleware function(s) as arguments.

94. What is the purpose of the next parameter in Express.js middleware functions?

Answer: To pass control to the next middleware function in the pipeline

95. In Express.js, what is the typical order of execution for middleware functions in the application pipeline?

Answer: They are executed sequentially in the order they are defined.

96. What is route-specific middleware in Express.js?

Answer: Middleware that is only applicable to one specific route

97. What is error-handling middleware in Express.js used for?

Answer: To handle errors that occur during the processing of requests

98. In Express.js, how is error-handling middleware different from regular middleware?

Answer: Error-handling middleware has an additional first parameter (usually named err) to capture errors.

99. What is the primary benefit of using middleware in a Node.js application?

Answer: It allows for modular and reusable code for tasks such as authentication, logging, and request processing.

100. In Express.js, what is the purpose of the app.all method when defining middleware?

Answer: To define a catch-all route for all HTTP methods
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Node Js Interview Questions With Answers Node Js MCQ Node Js Multiple Choice Questions Node Js MCQ Questions And Answers