200+ Laravel MCQ With Online Practice Test

Laravel is a widely-used PHP web application framework, known for its elegant syntax and developer-friendly features. Introduced in 2011, it offers robust tools for routing, authentication, and database interactions. Laravel promotes MVC architecture, simplifying complex tasks and fostering rapid development. Its active community and comprehensive documentation make it a top choice for web development projects.

Practice Test

91. What is the purpose of the authorize method in a Laravel form request class?

Answer: To check if the user is authorized to perform the requested action

92. Which of the following methods is used to define validation rules for a field in a form request class?

Answer: rules()

93. In Laravel validation, what is the purpose of the messages method in a form request class?

Answer: To customize the validation error messages

94. What does the validate method do in a Laravel form request class?

Answer: It validates the request data based on the defined rules and messages

95. What is the purpose of the withValidator method in a form request class?

Answer: To customize the validation process before it runs

96. Which of the following is NOT a common rule type used in Laravel validation?

Answer: max_size

97. In Laravel validation, how do you specify custom error messages for a specific rule?

Answer: By using the messages method in the form request class

98. What is the primary purpose of API routes in Laravel?

Answer: To provide access to application data for external clients

99. In Laravel, where are API routes typically defined?

Answer: In the routes/api.php file

100. Which HTTP verbs are commonly used in API routes for actions like creating and updating resources?

Answer: POST and PUT
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Laravel Interview Questions With Answers Laravel Practice Multiple Choice Questions Laravel MCQ Laravel Questions And Answers