Laravel Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. How do you define a new scheduled task in Laravel?

2. In Laravel, where should you configure your database connection settings?

3. In Laravel deployment, what is the role of a web server like Apache or Nginx?

4. What is the primary purpose of middleware in Laravel?

5. Which of the following is a common use case for route middleware in Laravel?

6. How do you pass data to a Blade view in Laravel?

7. Which artisan command is used to list all registered routes in Laravel?

8. What is the "fallback" route in Laravel used for?

9. Which of the following methods is used to define validation rules for a field in a form request class?

10. Which package is commonly used in Laravel for handling database seeding and factory data generation?

11. In Laravel, what does the "Route::resource()" method do?

12. Which programming language is primarily used in Laravel development?

13. In Laravel, where are Blade template files typically stored?

14. Which of the following is a common assertion method used in Laravel tests to check if a response matches an expected value?

15. Which of the following is NOT a valid way to create a new controller in Laravel?

16. How do you specify the controller method that should handle a specific API route in Laravel?

17. What is a channel in Laravel broadcasting?

18. What is the purpose of the @auth directive in Blade templates?

19. What is the primary goal of localization and internationalization in Laravel applications?

20. Which of the following is NOT a common response format used in Laravel API development?