Laravel Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. Which Laravel package provides the infrastructure for broadcasting events?

2. In Laravel, what is Passport primarily used for?

3. Which PHP extension is typically required for Laravel applications to run efficiently on a server?

4. Which artisan command is used to generate a new migration file in Laravel?

5. How do you install Laravel Passport in your Laravel project?

6. In Eloquent, what is a "model"?

7. What is the purpose of running php artisan key:generate in Laravel?

8. How can you prioritize jobs in Laravel queues?

9. What is the primary purpose of middleware in Laravel?

10. In Laravel, what is the purpose of the XSS protection middleware?

11. In Laravel, which database systems are supported by Eloquent ORM out of the box?

12. Which file in a Laravel project is used to manage environment-specific configuration variables?

13. What is the default queue driver in Laravel?

14. Which of the following is NOT a common validation rule used for file uploads in Laravel?

15. What is the purpose of configuring the virtual host for a Laravel application on a web server?

16. What is a named route in Laravel?

17. Which package is commonly used in Laravel for handling database seeding and factory data generation?

18. What happens if a job in Laravel exceeds its maximum number of retries?

19. Which Laravel package provides built-in support for API authentication?

20. What is the primary benefit of using caching in web applications?