Laravel Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What is the default queue driver in Laravel?

2. Which of the following commands is used to clear the Laravel application cache?

3. What is the purpose of the firstOrFail method in Eloquent?

4. What is the purpose of views in Laravel?

5. How do you define a custom authorization policy in Laravel?

6. In Laravel, what does the "Route::resource()" method do?

7. How do you specify the table associated with an Eloquent model?

8. In Laravel queues, what is the purpose of the php artisan queue:work command?

9. What is the purpose of the Laravel Telescope package in the Laravel ecosystem?

10. In Laravel, where should you configure your database connection settings?

11. What is the purpose of API versioning in Laravel API development?

12. Which middleware in Laravel is commonly used to protect routes and ensure that only authenticated users can access them?

13. Which artisan command is used to list all registered routes in Laravel?

14. What is the Laravel Eloquent Sluggable package used for?

15. In Laravel, how do you retrieve a localized translation string within your application code?

16. Which database systems are supported by Laravel's database query builder and ORM, Eloquent?

17. Which programming language is primarily used in Laravel development?

18. In Laravel validation, how do you specify custom error messages for a specific rule?

19. In Laravel, which filesystem drivers are commonly used for local file storage?

20. What is a channel in Laravel broadcasting?