230+ Codeigniter MCQ With Online Practice Test

CodeIgniter is a powerful and lightweight open-source PHP framework renowned for its simplicity and speed in web application development. With a focus on minimal configuration and a straightforward yet comprehensive toolkit, CodeIgniter empowers developers to build robust and scalable web applications efficiently. Its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture enhances code organization, making it easy to create maintainable and modular applications. CodeIgniter also offers a rich set of libraries and helpers, enabling rapid development and customization. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, CodeIgniter is an excellent choice for crafting dynamic and high-performance web solutions.

Practice Test

51. In CodeIgniter, what does ORM stand for in the context of models?

Answer: Object-Relational Mapping

52. How do you load a model in a CodeIgniter controller?

Answer: Using the $this->load->model() method

53. What is the purpose of CodeIgniter's Active Record class when working with models?

Answer: To simplify database queries and interactions

54. What does CodeIgniter's $this->db->get() method do when used with a model?

Answer: Retrieves records from a database table

55. In CodeIgniter, can a model contain business logic and data validation rules?

Answer: Yes, models can contain business logic

56. How can you pass data from a controller to a model in CodeIgniter?

Answer: By calling model methods with parameters

57. In CodeIgniter, what is the primary purpose of the $this->db->insert() method when used with a model?

Answer: Inserts data into a database table

58. What is the role of the CI_Model class in CodeIgniter models?

Answer: It is the base class that models extend

59. In CodeIgniter, where is the primary database configuration file located?

Answer: application/config/database.php

60. What is the purpose of the $active_group configuration in the CodeIgniter database configuration?

Answer: To specify the active database connection
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codeigniter interview question and answers codeigniter multiple choice questions codeigniter mcq