250+ CakePHP MCQ With Online Practice Test

CakePHP is a popular PHP web application framework renowned for its efficiency and simplicity in web development. Introduced in 2005, it has evolved into a mature and versatile tool for building robust, feature-rich web applications. CakePHP follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern, offering developers a structured and organized approach to coding. With features like built-in security, database integration, and a flexible templating system, CakePHP accelerates development while maintaining code integrity. It's an excellent choice for developers seeking rapid, scalable, and maintainable web development solutions.

Practice Test

151. What are CakePHP behaviors primarily used for in models?

Answer: Adding reusable functionality

152. In CakePHP, which method is used to attach a behavior to a model?

Answer: $this->addBehavior()

153. Which component is responsible for loading behaviors in CakePHP models?

Answer: ModelLoader

154. What is the purpose of the $actsAs property in CakePHP model classes?

Answer: To specify which behaviors to attach

155. How can you use a behavior to validate data in a CakePHP model?

Answer: By defining validation rules in the behavior

156. Which behavior in CakePHP is commonly used for handling timestamps (created and modified fields) in models?

Answer: TimestampBehavior

157. In CakePHP, how can you pass configuration options to a behavior when attaching it to a model?

Answer: By passing an array to $this->addBehavior()

158. What is the role of the Containable behavior in CakePHP?

Answer: Controlling the depth of associated data

159. In CakePHP, how can you override a behavior's default settings for a specific model instance?

Answer: By passing an array of options when attaching the behavior

160. What does the Tree behavior in CakePHP primarily handle?

Answer: Managing hierarchical data structures
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cakephp interview question with answers cakephp multiple choice questions cakephp mcq cakephp questions and answers