250+ React Js MCQ With Online Practice Test

React.js, often simply called React, is a highly popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Developed and maintained by Facebook, React is renowned for its component-based architecture and the ability to efficiently update and render components when data changes. It is a foundational tool for developing modern web and mobile applications, allowing developers to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces with ease. React's vast ecosystem, including tools like React Native for mobile app development, makes it a top choice for frontend development and a key player in the world of web technologies.

Practice Test

221. What is the primary benefit of organizing a React project into components?

Answer: Improved code reusability

222. In a typical React project structure, where are global stylesheets often located?

Answer: Inside the src folder

223. What is the purpose of the package.json file in a React project?

Answer: To specify project dependencies

224. Which directory is commonly used for storing test files in a React project?

Answer: tests

225. What does the src directory typically contain in a React project?

Answer: Source code for the application

226. In a React project, where is the entry point for the application specified?

Answer: In the src/index.js file

227. What is the purpose of the public directory in a React project?

Answer: To store static assets like HTML files

228. What is the recommended naming convention for React component files?

Answer: PascalCase

229. What is the primary function of the node_modules directory in a React project?

Answer: To manage project dependencies

230. What is the purpose of the public directory's index.html file in a React project?

Answer: To serve as the entry point for the application
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React Js Multiple Choice Questions React Js MCQ React Js Interview Questions With Answers