React Js Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. In a React form, how do you prevent the default form submission behavior when handling form submission?

2. Which of the following is NOT a common state management library for React?

3. In React, what is the purpose of the componentDidCatch lifecycle method?

4. What does an HTTP status code of "404" typically indicate when making an API request in React?

5. Which platform(s) can you build mobile apps for using React Native?

6. What is the primary advantage of deploying a React application using a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

7. What is the advantage of using a serverless authentication service like AWS Cognito in a React application?

8. In a functional component, how do you declare and use a state variable using the useState Hook?

9. What is the purpose of the hydrate() method when using SSR in React?

10. Which Redux function is used to dispatch actions to update the state in a Redux store?

11. Which built-in Hook is used for performing side effects in a functional component?

12. In which lifecycle method can you use code splitting and lazy loading in a React component?

13. Which React Router component is used to define the routes in a React application?

14. In functional components, which React hook replaces lifecycle methods like componentDidMount?

15. Which package manager is commonly used for managing React projects and dependencies?

16. Which of the following data formats is commonly used for API responses that contain structured data in React?

17. What is the purpose of the package.json file in a React project?

18. What is the role of Babel in the React ecosystem?

19. What is the purpose of the fetch() function in React when making API requests?

20. What is the purpose of a build tool like Webpack or Parcel in React application deployment?