React Js Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. Which command is commonly used to start a React Native project?

2. In React, how do you handle asynchronous API requests to ensure that data is retrieved successfully?

3. What happens if you omit the else block in a conditional rendering statement in React?

4. Which React Router component is used to handle 404 (Not Found) routes?

5. In React Native, what is the main programming language used for writing mobile apps?

6. Which command is used to create a new React application using Create React App (CRA)?

7. In React, what should you do if an error boundary catches an error that it cannot handle?

8. When does an error boundary catch errors in React?

9. What is the primary benefit of using Hooks in React?

10. What is the term used to describe React's ability to update only changed parts of the user interface?

11. What is the purpose of the <Link> component in React Router?

12. In React, what is the purpose of the getDerivedStateFromError lifecycle method in error boundaries?

13. In React, how are events typically named?

14. Which testing library provides utilities for querying and interacting with React components in tests?

15. Which of the following is true about React components?

16. What does the src directory typically contain in a React project?

17. In a functional component, how do you update the state variable declared with the useState Hook?

18. What is one of the benefits of using error boundaries in React?

19. Which of the following is not a commonly used hosting service for deploying React applications?

20. What does the term "API" stand for in the context of web development?