200+ Vue Js MCQ With Online Practice Test

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that has gained immense popularity for its simplicity and flexibility in building user interfaces. With its elegant design and ease of integration into projects, Vue.js allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications. Vue.js follows a component-based architecture, making it easy to develop and maintain complex applications. Whether you're building single-page applications (SPAs), progressive web apps (PWAs), or incorporating Vue.js into existing projects, it empowers you to craft responsive and feature-rich user experiences with ease and efficiency.

Practice Test

191. What is the Vue.js ecosystem primarily centered around?

Answer: Front-end web development

192. Which of the following is NOT a core part of the Vue.js ecosystem?

Answer: React (JavaScript Library)

193. Which Vue.js component is responsible for handling client-side routing?

Answer: Vue Router

194. What is Vuex used for in the Vue.js ecosystem?

Answer: State management for Vue applications

195. Which tool is commonly used for internationalization (i18n) in Vue.js applications?

Answer: Vue Translate

196. What does the Vue Loader Webpack plugin facilitate in Vue.js development?

Answer: Hot module replacement (HMR)

197. Which Vue.js tool is used for creating and managing Vue.js projects, including CLI-based project setup?

Answer: Vue CLI

198. In the context of Vue.js development, what is the main purpose of Vue Router?

Answer: Client-side routing

199. What is the primary function of the Vue.js ecosystem tool known as "Vue Devtools"?

Answer: Debugging and inspecting Vue components

200. Which library or tool is commonly used alongside Vue.js for state management?

Answer: Vuex
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Vue Js Interview Question With Answer Vue Js MCQ Vue Js Multiple Choice Questions