Vue Js Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What is the purpose of the v-on directive in a Vue template?

2. Which of the following is a core feature of Vue.js?

3. What is the purpose of pluralization in Vue Internationalization (i18n)?

4. In Vue Resource, which HTTP method is typically used for retrieving data from a server?

5. What happens when a computed property depends on a data property that changes?

6. How can you listen to a click event in Vue.js?

7. Which command is used to install Vue CLI globally?

8. Which testing framework is commonly used for testing Vue.js applications?

9. Which built-in Vue feature can be used for simple state management within a single component?

10. What is the purpose of the vue inspect command in Vue CLI?

11. How do you handle form submissions in Vue?

12. In Vue, what is the purpose of the @ symbol when specifying event handlers in templates?

13. Which command is used to install Vue CLI globally?

14. What is the primary role of getters in Vuex?

15. How can you access the Vue instance itself within its own methods or lifecycle hooks?

16. What is lazy loading in the context of Vue Router?

17. How can you control the duration of a transition in Vue?

18. Which Vue CLI command is used to scaffold a new Vue component?

19. In Vuex, what is a store?

20. What is the name of the official Vue.js devtools browser extension for debugging Vue applications?