Vue Js Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. How do you install Vuex in a Vue.js project?

2. What is the main benefit of using SSR in a Vue.js application?

3. Which deployment method is typically used for hosting Vue.js applications on a shared web hosting service?

4. How can you define translation messages in Vue.js with the vue-i18n library?

5. What is the purpose of the $t function in Vue.js Internationalization (i18n)?

6. How do you pass parameters to an event handler method in Vue?

7. Which directive is used to bind an attribute's value to an expression in Vue?

8. Which Vue CLI command is used to add Vue Router to an existing project?

9. In Vue Router, what is a route guard used for?

10. In Vue Router, what is the purpose of the beforeEach navigation guard?

11. Which directive is commonly used for rendering translated text in Vue templates?

12. What is the purpose of the v-model directive in a Vue form input element?

13. In a Vue component, what is the lifecycle hook that is called when the component is mounted to the DOM?

14. What is the primary role of getters in Vuex?

15. Which built-in Vue feature can be used for simple state management within a single component?

16. In Vue, what is the role of the v-on directive when working with transitions and animations?

17. How can you bind a CSS class to an element conditionally in Vue templates?

18. What does the v-for directive do in a Vue template?

19. Which lifecycle hook is triggered before the Vue instance is destroyed?

20. In Vue Resource, what is the role of the params option in an HTTP request?