PostgreSQL, often referred to as Postgres, is a powerful open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its scalability, robustness, and extensibility. It offers advanced features like ACID compliance, support for complex data types, and support for both SQL and NoSQL data. PostgreSQL is highly regarded for its performance, security, and reliability, making it a popular choice for applications ranging from small startups to large enterprises. Its active developer community continuously enhances and maintains the software. PostgreSQL is an excellent choice for data storage, analysis, and management in various domains, including web applications, data warehousing, and geospatial applications.
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181. What is the purpose of the "pg_hba.conf" file in PostgreSQL security best practices?
A. To control client access and authentication methods
B. To create new databases
C. To optimize query performance
D. To manage user roles
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Answer: To control client access and authentication methods
182. Which authentication method in PostgreSQL requires a client to provide a valid username and password for access?
A. Password authentication
B. Certificate authentication
C. Trust authentication
D. LDAP authentication
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Answer: Password authentication
183. What is the recommended approach for securing PostgreSQL connections when data transmission security is critical?
A. Enabling SSL/TLS encryption for client-server communication
B. Using password authentication for all clients
C. Creating strong database indexes
D. Implementing certificate-based authentication
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Answer: Enabling SSL/TLS encryption for client-server communication
184. What does "SQL injection" refer to in the context of PostgreSQL security best practices?
A. Unauthorized execution of malicious SQL code through unvalidated user input
B. Creating new database tables
C. Optimizing query performance
D. Managing user roles
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Answer: Unauthorized execution of malicious SQL code through unvalidated user input
185. Which PostgreSQL configuration parameter allows restricting the IP addresses from which the database server can accept connections?
A. "listen_addresses"
B. "shared_buffers"
C. "max_connections"
D. "random_page_cost"
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Answer: "listen_addresses"
186. In PostgreSQL security best practices, what does "least privilege" mean?
A. Providing users with the minimum level of access necessary for their tasks
B. Creating strong database indexes
C. Optimizing query performance
D. Enforcing strict password requirements
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Answer: Providing users with the minimum level of access necessary for their tasks
187. What is the purpose of "schema-level permissions" in PostgreSQL security?
A. To control access and privileges at the schema level
B. To create new databases
C. To encrypt data during transmission
D. To optimize query performance
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Answer: To control access and privileges at the schema level
188. Which PostgreSQL extension is commonly used for encryption and decryption of data at rest?
A. "pgcrypto"
B. "pgBouncer"
C. "pg_dump"
D. "pgAdmin"
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Answer: "pgcrypto"
189. What does "security hardening" entail in PostgreSQL security best practices?
A. Implementing additional security measures and configurations to protect the database
B. Creating new databases
C. Optimizing query performance
D. Managing user roles
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Answer: Implementing additional security measures and configurations to protect the database
190. Which PostgreSQL feature is used to encrypt data transmission between clients and the server using SSL/TLS?
A. SSL/TLS encryption
B. Certificate authentication
C. Password authentication
D. Trust authentication
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Answer: SSL/TLS encryption