PostgreSQL Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What is a "superuser" in PostgreSQL, and what privileges does it have?

2. What is the primary purpose of a data warehouse in the context of PostgreSQL?

3. What is a "star schema" in the context of data warehousing with PostgreSQL?

4. Which data type is used to store a single character in PostgreSQL?

5. What does the "FULL OUTER JOIN" do in a PostgreSQL query?

6. What is the purpose of the "CASCADE" option in foreign key constraints in PostgreSQL?

7. What is the primary NoSQL feature introduced in PostgreSQL to handle semi-structured data?

8. What is "streaming replication" in PostgreSQL?

9. What is the purpose of the "uuid-ossp" extension in PostgreSQL?

10. What is an "auto-vacuum" in PostgreSQL, and how does it relate to performance tuning?

11. In PostgreSQL, what is the significance of "autovacuum" for managing large datasets?

12. What is "asynchronous replication" in PostgreSQL?

13. Which SQL language is used in PostgreSQL?

14. What is a recursive common table expression (RCTE) in PostgreSQL used for?

15. What is the purpose of the "EXISTS" operator in a PostgreSQL query?

16. What does "security hardening" entail in PostgreSQL security best practices?

17. What is the primary purpose of a database schema in PostgreSQL?

18. Which geospatial format is supported by the "WKT" abbreviation in PostgreSQL's geospatial features?

19. What is the purpose of the "LATERAL" keyword in a PostgreSQL query?

20. What does the "pg_trgm" extension provide in PostgreSQL for managing large datasets?