PostgreSQL Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What is the purpose of a "pg_dump" with the "--format=c" option?

2. What is the purpose of the "WINDOW" clause in a PostgreSQL query?

3. What is the purpose of a "pg_dump" command in PostgreSQL?

4. What is the primary purpose of "ST_GeomFromText" in PostgreSQL's geospatial features?

5. In PostgreSQL, what is the term for a standby server that is in "hot standby" mode, ready to take over as the primary?

6. What is the default port for PostgreSQL?

7. What is a recursive common table expression (RCTE) in PostgreSQL used for?

8. What type of licensing does PostgreSQL use?

9. What happens to a database connection when a client application disconnects from the database in a connection pool setup?

10. What does the "hstore" extension in PostgreSQL allow you to store and manage?

11. What does the "BEGIN" statement do in PostgreSQL transactions?

12. Which geospatial format is supported by the "WKT" abbreviation in PostgreSQL's geospatial features?

13. What is the role of "cubes" in multidimensional analysis in data warehousing with PostgreSQL?

14. Which tool is used to configure and manage connection pooling in PostgreSQL?

15. What is the "citext" extension used for in PostgreSQL?

16. Which data type is used to store a single character in PostgreSQL?

17. How do you retrieve all columns from a table named "employees" in PostgreSQL?

18. What is the purpose of "connection pooling" in PostgreSQL for managing large datasets?

19. Which PostgreSQL extension is used to provide enhanced geospatial functions and data types for advanced GIS applications?

20. What is the primary benefit of using a "spatial index" in PostgreSQL's geospatial data management?