PostgreSQL Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What is the purpose of "connection pooling" in PostgreSQL for managing large datasets?

2. What is the purpose of connection pool maintenance in PostgreSQL?

3. What is the purpose of a "pg_receivewal" command in PostgreSQL?

4. Which authentication method in PostgreSQL requires a client to provide a valid username and password for access?

5. In PostgreSQL, what is a "nested transaction"?

6. What is the default port number for PostgreSQL?

7. What is the primary purpose of a data warehouse in the context of PostgreSQL?

8. What does the "pg_trgm" extension provide in PostgreSQL for managing large datasets?

9. Which PostgreSQL authentication method allows access without a password but is restricted to local connections on Unix-like systems?

10. What is the purpose of the "pg_hba.conf" file in PostgreSQL?

11. What PostgreSQL extension provides additional NoSQL-like features, such as key-value store and document storage?

12. What is the purpose of "GIN" and "GiST" indexing methods in PostgreSQL's NoSQL support?

13. What is the purpose of PostgreSQL's "GRANT" and "REVOKE" statements in the context of security?

14. What does "hstore" data type provide in PostgreSQL's NoSQL features?

15. What does the "fact table" represent in a star schema of a data warehouse?

16. What happens to a database connection when a client application disconnects from the database in a connection pool setup?

17. Which PostgreSQL extension is used to provide enhanced geospatial functions and data types for advanced GIS applications?

18. Which PostgreSQL extension is used to implement full-text search capabilities?

19. Which PostgreSQL data type is commonly used to store geospatial data for GIS applications?

20. What is a database view in PostgreSQL?