190+ PostgreSQL MCQ With Online Practice Test

PostgreSQL, often referred to as Postgres, is a powerful open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its scalability, robustness, and extensibility. It offers advanced features like ACID compliance, support for complex data types, and support for both SQL and NoSQL data. PostgreSQL is highly regarded for its performance, security, and reliability, making it a popular choice for applications ranging from small startups to large enterprises. Its active developer community continuously enhances and maintains the software. PostgreSQL is an excellent choice for data storage, analysis, and management in various domains, including web applications, data warehousing, and geospatial applications.

Practice Test

161. What is the primary NoSQL feature introduced in PostgreSQL to handle semi-structured data?

Answer: JSON and JSONB data types

162. Which PostgreSQL data type is commonly used to store JSON documents for NoSQL-like data management?

Answer: JSONB

163. What does "hstore" data type provide in PostgreSQL's NoSQL features?

Answer: Key-value storage for semi-structured data

164. What is the purpose of "GIN" and "GiST" indexing methods in PostgreSQL's NoSQL support?

Answer: To optimize querying and indexing of semi-structured data

165. What is the "jsonb_set" function used for in PostgreSQL's NoSQL features?

Answer: To modify JSONB data by adding or replacing key-value pairs

166. Which NoSQL-like feature in PostgreSQL allows you to work with arrays of values?

Answer: Array data types

167. What is the "array_agg" function used for in PostgreSQL's NoSQL features?

Answer: To aggregate values into an array

168. What PostgreSQL extension provides additional NoSQL-like features, such as key-value store and document storage?

Answer: "hstore"

169. What is the "hstore" extension used for in PostgreSQL's NoSQL support?

Answer: To provide key-value storage for semi-structured data

170. In terms of NoSQL features, what does the "array_agg" function do in PostgreSQL?

Answer: It aggregates values into an array for NoSQL-style data storage
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