240+ MongoDB MCQ With Online Practice Test

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database system renowned for its flexibility and scalability. It uses a document-oriented model, storing data in JSON-like BSON format, allowing for dynamic schemas and easy data manipulation. MongoDB's distributed architecture supports horizontal scaling, ensuring high availability and performance. It's widely utilized for applications requiring real-time data access and complex data structures. Its features include automatic sharding, replication, and support for geospatial data, making it a versatile choice for a broad range of industries, from e-commerce and social media to IoT and big data analytics.

Practice Test

61. What is the primary purpose of MongoDB replication?

Answer: High availability

62. In a replica set, what is the role of the primary node?

Answer: Accepts write operations

63. What is the purpose of the secondary nodes in MongoDB replication?

Answer: Handling read operations

64. How are elections for a new primary node managed in a replica set?

Answer: Automatic

65. What is the minimum number of nodes required to form a replica set in MongoDB?

Answer: 2

66. Which write concern level ensures that data is written to the primary node and at least one secondary node before acknowledging the write operation?

Answer: Majority

67. What is the purpose of the "oplog" in MongoDB replication?

Answer: Capturing and storing all write operations

68. Which consistency guarantee level ensures that a read operation will see the most recent data as of the time the operation started?

Answer: Linearizable

69. In MongoDB, what is the role of an arbiter in a replica set?

Answer: Participates in elections

70. What is the purpose of a hidden secondary node in MongoDB replication?

Answer: Preventing access
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