MongoDB Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. MongoDB stores data in collections. What is a collection similar to in relational databases?

2. Which type of database is typically best suited for complex, structured data with fixed schemas?

3. How does MongoDB driver authentication typically work?

4. What is the primary purpose of auditing in MongoDB?

5. What does a text index in MongoDB allow you to do?

6. What is the role of the "replSetGetStatus" command in MongoDB?

7. What is the primary benefit of using a MongoDB driver in an application?

8. Which "dump" format is the default output format of "mongodump"?

9. How can you specify the order in which the Aggregation stages are executed in MongoDB?

10. In MongoDB, how can you perform a geospatial query to find documents within a specified distance from a point?

11. What is the role of MongoDB client libraries and drivers?

12. What is the purpose of the secondary nodes in MongoDB replication?

13. In MongoDB, what is the role of the "config servers" in a sharded cluster setup?

14. Which CRUD operation is used to insert a new document into a MongoDB collection?

15. What is the primary goal of performance optimization in MongoDB?

16. In a replica set, what is the role of the primary node?

17. What type of data processing does MapReduce excel at in MongoDB?

18. What is the role of the "dbPath" setting in MongoDB configuration?

19. In GridFS, what is the role of the "fs.files" collection?

20. In MongoDB, what is the role of an arbiter in a replica set?