MongoDB Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What is the MongoDB Atlas "Shared Tier" cluster primarily designed for?

2. Which operation is used to remove documents from a collection based on a query criteria?

3. How does GridFS handle large files that exceed the maximum BSON document size in MongoDB?

4. What is a common practice for securing data at rest in MongoDB?

5. In GridFS, what is the role of the "fs.files" collection?

6. What is the primary goal of text search in MongoDB?

7. What is the recommended method to perform aggregations on MongoDB collections?

8. What is the primary benefit of using aggregation over MapReduce in MongoDB?

9. In MongoDB, what is the purpose of the "weights" option in text indexes?

10. What does the "reduce" function in MapReduce do?

11. What is a "point-in-time" backup in MongoDB?

12. In MongoDB, how can you optimize performance when working with large result sets?

13. What is the purpose of a hidden secondary node in MongoDB replication?

14. How can you restore a backup created with "mongodump" in MongoDB?

15. What is the primary key in MongoDB called?

16. Which operation is used to group documents by a specific field in MongoDB Aggregation?

17. Which MongoDB feature is used for tracking and recording database activities for auditing and monitoring?

18. What is a recommended strategy for disaster recovery in MongoDB?

19. In which industry is MongoDB often employed for handling large volumes of sensor data?

20. In MongoDB, what is a "write concern" for a transaction?