MongoDB Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. Which major cloud providers are supported by MongoDB Atlas?

2. Which write concern level ensures that data is written to the primary node and at least one secondary node before acknowledging the write operation?

3. Which CRUD operation is used to insert a new document into a MongoDB collection?

4. MongoDB uses a flexible schema. What does this mean?

5. In SQL databases, how are relationships between data tables typically managed?

6. What is the primary purpose of taking backups in MongoDB?

7. How can you improve query performance in MongoDB for frequently executed queries?

8. What does the term "index intersection" refer to in MongoDB?

9. What is a common requirement for data compliance when it comes to data retention in MongoDB?

10. How does GridFS handle large files that exceed the maximum BSON document size in MongoDB?

11. Which MongoDB version introduced support for multi-document transactions?

12. What is the $lookup operator used for in MongoDB Aggregation?

13. What is the purpose of the "explain" method in MongoDB?

14. What does the "bindIp" configuration option control in MongoDB?

15. What is the role of "data masking" in MongoDB's data governance practices?

16. What is the preferred method for ensuring high availability of MongoDB when using cloud-based services like MongoDB Atlas?

17. What is the role of the "hot storage" engine in MongoDB performance optimization?

18. In MongoDB, how can you perform a geospatial query to find documents within a specified distance from a point?

19. What is the primary purpose of transactions in MongoDB?

20. MongoDB stores data in collections. What is a collection similar to in relational databases?