240+ MongoDB MCQ With Online Practice Test

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database system renowned for its flexibility and scalability. It uses a document-oriented model, storing data in JSON-like BSON format, allowing for dynamic schemas and easy data manipulation. MongoDB's distributed architecture supports horizontal scaling, ensuring high availability and performance. It's widely utilized for applications requiring real-time data access and complex data structures. Its features include automatic sharding, replication, and support for geospatial data, making it a versatile choice for a broad range of industries, from e-commerce and social media to IoT and big data analytics.

Practice Test

41. What is the primary purpose of indexes in MongoDB?

Answer: To query for documents

42. Which MongoDB index type allows for fast retrieval of documents based on a single field?

Answer: Single-field Index

43. What is a compound index in MongoDB?

Answer: An index with multiple fields

44. Which MongoDB index type is used for searching text within string fields?

Answer: Text Index

45. What is a unique index in MongoDB?

Answer: An index with unique values

46. What does the term "sparse index" mean in MongoDB?

Answer: An index with missing values

47. How can you create a compound index in MongoDB using the MongoDB shell?

Answer: db.collection.createIndex({field1: 1, field2: 1})

48. In MongoDB, which option specifies the sort order of the index key values?

Answer: order

49. What happens if you drop an index in MongoDB?

Answer: The index is removed

50. What is the default index type in MongoDB for the _id field?

Answer: Single-field Index
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