200+ Vue Js MCQ With Online Practice Test

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that has gained immense popularity for its simplicity and flexibility in building user interfaces. With its elegant design and ease of integration into projects, Vue.js allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications. Vue.js follows a component-based architecture, making it easy to develop and maintain complex applications. Whether you're building single-page applications (SPAs), progressive web apps (PWAs), or incorporating Vue.js into existing projects, it empowers you to craft responsive and feature-rich user experiences with ease and efficiency.

Practice Test

101. How can you capture user input in a Vue form element?

Answer: Using v-model

102. What is the purpose of the v-model directive in a Vue form input element?

Answer: To bind a data property

103. How do you handle form submissions in Vue?

Answer: Using the v-submit event

104. In a Vue form, what is the role of the v-bind directive?

Answer: To bind data to computed properties

105. Which directive can be used to prevent the default form submission behavior in Vue?

Answer: v-on:submit.prevent

106. What is the purpose of the @submit event in a Vue form element?

Answer: To submit the form

107. How can you bind a form input element to a data property and update it when the user types?

Answer: Using v-model

108. What is the purpose of the @input event in a Vue form element?

Answer: To update a computed property

109. How can you validate user input in a Vue form?

Answer: Using the v-validate directive

110. In Vue forms, how can you handle user input validation and display error messages?

Answer: Using the v-validate directive
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Vue Js Interview Question With Answer Vue Js MCQ Vue Js Multiple Choice Questions