190+ PostgreSQL MCQ With Online Practice Test

PostgreSQL, often referred to as Postgres, is a powerful open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its scalability, robustness, and extensibility. It offers advanced features like ACID compliance, support for complex data types, and support for both SQL and NoSQL data. PostgreSQL is highly regarded for its performance, security, and reliability, making it a popular choice for applications ranging from small startups to large enterprises. Its active developer community continuously enhances and maintains the software. PostgreSQL is an excellent choice for data storage, analysis, and management in various domains, including web applications, data warehousing, and geospatial applications.

Practice Test

111. What are PostgreSQL extensions used for?

Answer: To add additional functionality to the database system

112. Which SQL command is used to install a PostgreSQL extension?


113. What is the purpose of the "pg_stat_statements" extension in PostgreSQL?

Answer: To track and log executed SQL statements for analysis

114. What does the "hstore" extension in PostgreSQL allow you to store and manage?

Answer: Key-value pairs

115. What is the "PostGIS" extension used for in PostgreSQL?

Answer: To enable support for geographic and geospatial data

116. What is the purpose of the "uuid-ossp" extension in PostgreSQL?

Answer: To generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)

117. What is the "citext" extension used for in PostgreSQL?

Answer: To store and manipulate case-insensitive text

118. What is the "pgcrypto" extension in PostgreSQL primarily used for?

Answer: To provide cryptographic functions for data encryption and decryption

119. Which PostgreSQL extension is used to implement full-text search capabilities?

Answer: "pg_trgm"

120. What is the purpose of the "unaccent" extension in PostgreSQL?

Answer: To remove accents and diacritics from text
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