140+ NoSQL MCQ With Online Practice Test

NoSQL, short for "Not Only SQL," represents a family of database management systems designed for flexible and scalable data storage. Unlike traditional relational databases, NoSQL databases employ various data models like document, key-value, graph, and column-family, enabling them to handle diverse data types and structures. NoSQL databases are well-suited for applications requiring high data velocity and volume, such as web and mobile apps, IoT devices, and big data analytics. They offer horizontal scalability, strong performance, and support for distributed, non-tabular data storage, making them a valuable choice for modern, dynamic data management needs.
Practice Test

61. What does "ACID" stand for in the context of database consistency?

Answer: Consistency

62. Which consistency model emphasizes strict data consistency and may lead to increased latency?

Answer: Strong consistency

63. In the CAP theorem, what does the "C" stand for?

Answer: Consistency

64. Which consistency model allows for temporary inconsistencies and resolves them over time?

Answer: Eventual consistency

65. What is the primary trade-off addressed by the CAP theorem regarding consistency in distributed systems?

Answer: Consistency vs. Partition tolerance

66. Which NoSQL database consistency model aims to achieve the best possible consistency within the constraints of a distributed system?

Answer: Strong consistency

67. Which consistency model ensures that once a write operation is acknowledged, all subsequent read operations will return the updated value?

Answer: Strong consistency

68. Which consistency model is suitable for applications where low-latency reads are more important than strong data consistency?

Answer: Eventual consistency

69. In a distributed NoSQL system, which consistency model offers the lowest consistency guarantees but the highest availability and partition tolerance?

Answer: Eventual consistency

70. What does the "I" stand for in the "BASE" consistency model?

Answer: Isolation
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