240+ MongoDB MCQ With Online Practice Test

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database system renowned for its flexibility and scalability. It uses a document-oriented model, storing data in JSON-like BSON format, allowing for dynamic schemas and easy data manipulation. MongoDB's distributed architecture supports horizontal scaling, ensuring high availability and performance. It's widely utilized for applications requiring real-time data access and complex data structures. Its features include automatic sharding, replication, and support for geospatial data, making it a versatile choice for a broad range of industries, from e-commerce and social media to IoT and big data analytics.

Practice Test

181. Which database type does MongoDB primarily represent?

Answer: NoSQL

182. What is the primary data model used by MongoDB?

Answer: Document model

183. Which type of database is typically best suited for complex, structured data with fixed schemas?

Answer: SQL

184. In MongoDB, how is data typically stored within collections?

Answer: In documents

185. What is a primary use case for MongoDB in terms of data flexibility and scalability?

Answer: Handling large volumes of unstructured data

186. In SQL databases, how are relationships between data tables typically managed?

Answer: Through joins

187. What does MongoDB's flexible schema mean in terms of data modeling?

Answer: It supports varied structures

188. What is a significant advantage of SQL databases in terms of data consistency?

Answer: Strong ACID compliance

189. What is a common query language used in MongoDB for data retrieval and manipulation?

Answer: NoSQL Query Language

190. In MongoDB, how is data often queried and retrieved from collections?

Answer: Using a flexible query language
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