230+ Codeigniter MCQ With Online Practice Test

CodeIgniter is a powerful and lightweight open-source PHP framework renowned for its simplicity and speed in web application development. With a focus on minimal configuration and a straightforward yet comprehensive toolkit, CodeIgniter empowers developers to build robust and scalable web applications efficiently. Its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture enhances code organization, making it easy to create maintainable and modular applications. CodeIgniter also offers a rich set of libraries and helpers, enabling rapid development and customization. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, CodeIgniter is an excellent choice for crafting dynamic and high-performance web solutions.

Practice Test

101. What is the purpose of the URL Helper in CodeIgniter?

Answer: Generating URLs

102. Which CodeIgniter Helper is used for working with arrays and performing array-related tasks?

Answer: Array Helper

103. How do you use the CodeIgniter Form Helper to create a form input field?

Answer: echo form_input('field_name', 'default_value');

104. Which CodeIgniter Helper is used for handling sessions and session-related operations?

Answer: Session Helper

105. What is the primary purpose of the CodeIgniter Cookie Helper?

Answer: Working with browser cookies

106. Which CodeIgniter Helper is used for working with URLs, such as creating links and redirects?

Answer: URL Helper

107. How can you create a link to a specific controller method using the URL Helper in CodeIgniter?

Answer: echo anchor('controller/method', 'Link Text');

108. What is Authentication in the context of web applications?

Answer: Verifying the identity of a user

109. What is the primary purpose of Authentication in CodeIgniter?

Answer: Verifying the identity of users

110. Which CodeIgniter library is often used for handling Authentication?

Answer: Auth Library
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codeigniter interview question and answers codeigniter multiple choice questions codeigniter mcq