Symfony Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What is Symfony's role hierarchy?

2. What is the Symfony Dependency Injection component used for?

3. In Symfony, what is the primary purpose of middleware?

4. In Symfony console commands, what is the purpose of the configure() method?

5. What is the purpose of the Doctrine EntityManager in Symfony?

6. Which Symfony component provides a foundation for building web applications and handling HTTP requests and responses?

7. What is the Symfony FormBuilder used for in form creation?

8. What is the recommended naming convention for controller class names in Symfony?

9. What is the purpose of setting appropriate file permissions and ownership for Symfony application files?

10. In Symfony, what is a subscriber in the context of event handling?

11. In Symfony, what is the purpose of environment variables (e.g., .env file)?

12. Which testing framework is commonly used for writing unit tests in Symfony applications?

13. Which Symfony component provides tools for working with HTTP headers, status codes, and cookies?

14. In Symfony, what is the purpose of the route name?

15. What is the Symfony Dependency Injection Container responsible for?

16. Which architecture pattern symfony follows?

17. What does the term "view" refer to in the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern?

18. Which Symfony command is used to list all defined routes in a Symfony application?

19. In Symfony, how can you inject a service into a controller action?

20. What is Symfony primarily used for?