Symfony Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. What is the Symfony Flex tool, and how does it simplify the deployment process?

2. What is the Symfony Dependency Injection component used for?

3. What is the purpose of log channels in Symfony's Logger Component?

4. Which Symfony command is used to list all defined routes in a Symfony application?

5. In Symfony, what is the purpose of the route name?

6. How do you define a service in Symfony's services.yaml configuration file?

7. In Symfony, when is the kernel.controller event typically dispatched?

8. What is the Symfony WebTestCase class commonly used for in Symfony functional testing?

9. What is a route prefix in Symfony used for?

10. Which Symfony component is used for handling API request and response formats, such as JSON and XML?

11. In Symfony templates, what is the purpose of a Twig filter?

12. Which Symfony form type is commonly used for text input fields?

13. In Symfony, how can you access route parameters in a controller action?

14. In Symfony, how can you inject a service into a controller action?

15. Which of the following statements is true about Symfony middleware?

16. In Symfony, which templating engine is commonly used for rendering views?

17. In Symfony, what is the purpose of a custom exception listener?

18. In Symfony console commands, what is the purpose of the execute() method?

19. What is the Symfony Form component used for?

20. Symfony's Console component provides tools for building command-line applications. What is the primary class used to create console commands?