Symfony Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. How can you pass arguments to a Symfony console command when invoking it from the command line?

2. What is a service in Symfony's Dependency Injection Container?

3. In Symfony, what is a command option?

4. In Symfony security, what is an access control rule used for?

5. What is the Symfony Guard authenticator used for?

6. In Symfony forms, how can you define validation rules for form fields?

7. In Symfony, how do you pass data from a controller to a view for rendering?

8. How do you generate URLs for named routes in Symfony views or controllers?

9. In Symfony, what is a subscriber in the context of event handling?

10. Which command is used to generate the security-related files and configurations in Symfony?

11. In Symfony templates, what is the purpose of a Twig filter?

12. In Symfony forms, what is a form type class used for?

13. What is a template variable in Symfony views?

14. In Symfony, what is a DTO (Data Transfer Object) commonly used for in API development?

15. In Symfony, how can you inject a service into a controller action?

16. What is the primary purpose of a template in a Symfony application?

17. What is the recommended way to install Symfony on your development machine?

18. What command is used to apply migrations and update the database schema in Symfony?

19. What Symfony component allows developers to dispatch and listen for events within an application?

20. In Symfony, what is an entity in the context of Doctrine ORM?