Mysql Online Test


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Time: 05:00 minutes Passing Marks: 60%

1. Which replication mode in MySQL allows data to flow in multiple directions between servers?

2. In MySQL, what is the purpose of the GRANT statement?

3. What is the primary purpose of database backups in MySQL?

4. Which method of MySQL migration is typically used for transferring data from a non-MySQL database system?

5. What is a common reason for the "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'" error?

6. What is the default port number for MySQL connections?

7. What is the purpose of the MySQL Enterprise Backup tool?

8. What is the default port number for MySQL connections?

9. What is GTID in MySQL replication?

10. What does MySQL stand for?

11. What is the purpose of the MySQL option file (my.cnf or my.ini)?

12. Which MySQL feature helps avoid full table scans and improve query performance by remembering the results of previous queries?

13. How can you update data in multiple rows with a single MySQL UPDATE statement?

14. What is the default storage engine used by MySQL?

15. What is the primary purpose of the MySQL "Slow Query Log"?

16. What is the purpose of the MySQL "REVOKE" statement?

17. Which SQL clause is used to sort the result set in ascending or descending order?

18. Which of the following is not a valid MySQL data type?

19. In MySQL migration, what is the purpose of the "ETL" transformation phase?

20. What is the SUPER privilege in MySQL used for?